Fight against precarious living conditions in Jerusalem!
Hessed in everyday's life!
All the donations on line go directly to help the helpless and poor people, the poorest. We use the collected funds to finance our various charitable activities, food, clothing and financial aid (vouchers). Assistance given for Shabbat but also for other events of the Jewish calendar!
Every eve of Shabbat and holidays, we deliver to families food parcels. Our volunteers always make sure to keep families dignity and they help every family exactly according to their needs, depending on the number of children etc.
The appropriate ministries officially endorse our association, and all our accounts are audited and certified by a CPA (official accountant).
Food parcels includes : meat, halot, drinks, pasta, rice, vegetables, wine and grape juice, oil, sugar, canned good, flour, milk, baby diapers, and also sweets for the children “likhvod Shabbat or Yom Tov”. Coupons with a value of 50, 100 Shekalim are offered to enable families to make their own purchases according to their specific needs.
Big delivery of food parcels adapted to the needs of Passover. In each of them, we add matzots, grape juice, wine, harosset, etc. This provides all the ingredients to fill the Passover Plate and to fulfill each “berakha” needed during the “seder”.
Some coupons are also distributed as a complement and clothes are provided for the seven days of this holiday.
In addition to the usual food parcels and coupons, we make sure that everyone can carry out the mitzvah of Lulav for Sukkot. We participate, financially, according to family’s needs, to enable men to purchase the complete set (4 species) including Etrog (cedrat ), and to help them to perform this essential mitzvah of joy during Sukkot (SIMHAT-HEHAG).
During Hanuka, delivery of olive oil and wicks to light every evening during the 8 days (the Hanuka lights), Hanuka prayers and song books, candies and chocolate bags for children, allowing the families to carry out this beautiful mitzva in happiness.
Fruits baskets deliveries in order to make the Tu-Bishvat Seder with all the corresponding Berakhot (blessings).
Food parcels deliveries and coupons, allowing everyone to accomplish the valuable mitzvot as “mishloach manot” and “matanot laevionim” (donation to the poor) and “seoudat Purim” (banquet).